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Smith Machine for Power Rack Pro
Smith Machine for Power Rack Pro
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360 Smith Machine for Power Rack Pro Smith Machine for Power Rack Pro Smith Machine for Power Rack Pro Smith Machine for Power Rack Pro Smith Machine for Power Rack Pro


Smith Machine for Power Rack Pro

Ref. PR-P-SM

3 rating(s) - 1 review(s)
Meticulously Designed in Italy
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1245,00 €

Price 1020,49 € tax excl.5 727,00 RON

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Smith Machine for PRO Power Rack



Disponibile da Monday, 10 March, 2025

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Esempio : XXXX,00 euro in XX rate mensili da XXX,00 euro. TAN FISSO XXX%, TAEG XXX%. Importo totale dovuto dal consumatore (importo totale del credito + costo totale del credito) XXXX,00 euro. Importo totale del credito XXX,00 euro. Il costo totale del credito comprende:interessi calcolati al TAN indicato, oneri fiscali (imposta di bollo sul contratto 16,00 euro*) addebitati sulla prima rata, costo mensile gestione pratica 0,00 euro, spesa istruttoria 0,00 euro, spesa invio rendicontazione periodica on-line 0,00 euro, imposta di bollo su rendicontazione periodica 0,00 euro.

La scadenza delle rate mensili è prevista il giorno 1 o 15. L’importo di ciascuna rata comprende una quota di capitale crescente e interessi decrescente secondo un piano di ammortamento alla francese. Messaggio pubblicitario con finalità promozionale. Offerta valida fino al GG MM AAAA, soggetta ad approvazione di Sella Personal Credit S.p.A. Per tutte le condizioni contrattuali ed economiche si rinvia alle Informazioni europee di base sul credito ai consumatori a disposizione della clientela presso i Punti vendita XXXXXX convenzionati. XXXXXXX opera quale intermediario del credito per Sella Personal Credit S.p.A., non in esclusiva.

* In fase di richiesta del finanziamento verrà proposta la facoltà di selezionare, in alternativa all'imposta di bollo sul contratto di 16,00 euro, l'imposta sostitutiva, pari allo 0,25% dell'importo finanziato


With the Smith Machine you can exploit the potential of the PRO Power Rack to perform exercises in complete safety, such as military press, behind-the-neck press, flat bench, incline bench, Bulgarian squats, lunges, calves etc.

The structure of the Smith Machine is made with professional quality: the sliding rods are made of 25mm ground steel and equipped with recirculating ball guides for maximum operation smoothness; the body is in hot-painted steel and all the bolts are galvanized with anti-unscrewing nuts placed in the most stressed points.

The Smith Machine is equipped with 12 steel safety pins with a 25mm diameter because when it comes to safety, “too much” is never enough; the safety hooks are made by laser cutting from a stainless-steel plate with a 15mm thickness, practically indestructible!

Thanks to the steel rods, it is possible to select the following:

-          Starting position

-          Safety intervention (by turning the handle)

-          Safety Limit switch, height adjustable

The handle has a 30mm diameter, with knurling at the edges and smooth at the center; it is possible to apply the MA-BP bar pad (to be separately purchased) for superior user comfort.

The Smith Machine for PRO Power Racks can be installed on all PRO Power Racks equipped with holes for rubber band hooks’ installation; you can keep both the hooks for rubber bands and the Smith Machine module.

WARNING: when installing the Smith Machine, the Safety Bars [PR-P-SB] and Safety Straps [PR-P-SS] cannot be used.

WARNING: the Smith Machine can be installed on all PRO Power Racks produced from 2019.

Maybe you didn’t know that…

The Smith Machine is approved for professional use, the sliding mechanism does not include plastic components subject to wear.

Maximum load770 lb
Pin Diameter50 mm
Handle diameter30 mm
Net weight77 Kg
Width1879 mm
Depth289.5 mm
Height2088 mm
Warranty2 anni
OriginMeticulously Designed in Italy
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1245,00 €

Price 1020,49 € tax excl.5 727,00 RON

Smith Machine for PRO Power Rack

Smith Machine for Power Rack Pro

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